ISAs and pensions – SIPPs, workplace pensions, SASS, GPPs – are the simple route to …
Investing is vitally important to achieve financial independence.
You might have heard that “money makes money”. That’s only partially true. Yes, you can use money to get more money, but the only way to do that is to put it to work.
Investing means putting your money to work in something that you hope will grow your wealth. Because inflation eats away at cash savings, investment for financial independence usually means buying an asset that grows in value or makes a yield.
Index funds are the classic financial independence investment, but I also dabble in private companies, gold and crypto. Maybe one day I’ll own real estate, too!
All the posts below track my approach to investing as I continue on my financial independence campaign.
REITs: the awesome tool for creating a real estate portfolio
REITs are an awesome tool for creating a mini real estate portfolio without raising £000’s. …