Thoughts and reflections from the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Field notes from the FI Campaign 47
Thoughts and reflections from the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Making cargo nets
Not directly related to my FI Campaign, but it’s linked to the boat life and …
Field notes from the FI Campaign 45
Thoughts and reflections from the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Field notes from the FI Campaign 44
Thoughts and reflections from the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Field notes from the FI Campaign 43
Thoughts and reflections form the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Field notes from the FI Campaign 42
Thoughts and reflections from the past week or so from my own financial independence campaign. …
Boat Life – the first 3 months
We all now live on the boat. Here’s how we’re set up, with a couple …