I’ve been listening to a few different audiobooks, podcasts and YouTube channels, and started reading into philosophy and so on, that made me realise that we don’t talk about philosophy much in the FIRE community.

That’s not a strict rule: Early Retirement Extreme and Mr Money Moustache contain loads of things that are basically philosophy but aren’t always obviously labelled as this. They are great blogs and although ERE in particular is a little dated the content is essentially timeless.

There’s also some good stuff in Your Money or Your Life (link to my review) that talks about money as a representation of your life’s energy. Bit off piste, but the idea is powerful because when you take that interpretation of your money/wealth you instantly care about it. More importantly, you care about it in a way other than as a status symbol or progress towards being Scrooge McDuck and diving into a pile of gold coins in your vault.

Anyway, I figure that there’s more value in talking and writing about this kind of thing than mindlessly tracking my own progress towards a number that means very little to you, the reader. Plus, I want to develop my own thoughts, and learning in public is a pretty good way to do that.

So, I’ve created a content category labelled “Philosophy” that groups all my posts on this kind of theme into the same heading. That way, if you want to skip these posts as the ramblings of a floating investment hobo, you can spot them straight away and save yourself time reading the first paragraph.

However, if you want to pursue this further, you can find all these posts under the single content category, and they should all link together.

Thanks for reading, indulging my thinking-in-public, and if you’d like to participate in the comments I actually do respond (usually a few days later, when the Jetpack app has sent me a notification).